BE FILLED With The Spirit
A Story of Being Filled
Acts 4:5-12
The Definition
What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit?
Ephesians 5:14-21
Acts 1:8
Romans 15:13
Acts 4:31
Acts 5:32
Acts 4
How can I be filled with the Spirit?
Acts 8:17
Luke 11:13
Acts 2:38
The Study
Ephesians 5:14-21
Ephesians 5:14-21
Ephesians 5:14-21
John 14:26
The Marks of Maturing
Go Further
Here are some additional readings for you as you are filled with the
"He exhorts them to be filled with the Spirit. Those who are full of
drink are not likely to be full of the Spirit; and therefore this duty is
opposed to the former sin. The meaning of the exhortation is that men
should labor for a plentiful measure of the graces of the Spirit, that
would fill their souls with great joy, strength, and courage, which
things sensual men expect their wine should inspire them with. We
cannot be guilty of any excess in our endeavors after these: nay, we
ought not to be satisfied with a little of the Spirit, but to be aspiring
after measures, so as to be filled with the Spirit. Now by this means we
shall come to understand what the will of the Lord is; for the Spirit of
God is given as a Spirit of wisdom and of understanding. And because
those who are filled with the Spirit will be carried out in acts of
devotion, and all the proper expressions of it, therefore the apostle
exhorts, to sing unto the Lord, v. 19. Drunkards are wont to sing
obscene and profane songs. The heathens, in their Bacchanalia, used to
sing hymns to Bacchus, whom they called the god of wine. Thus they
expressed their joy; but the joy of Christians should express itself in
songs of praise to their God. In these they should speak to themselves
in their assemblies and meetings together, for mutual edification. By
psalms may be meant David’s psalms, or such composures as were
fitly sung with musical instruments. By hymns may be meant such
others as were confined to matter of praise, as those of Zacharias,
Simeon, etc. Spiritual songs may contain a greater variety of matter,
doctrinal, prophetical, historical, etc. Observe here, (1.) The singing of
psalms and hymns is a gospel ordinance: it is an ordinance of God, and
appointed for his glory. (2.) Though Christianity is an enemy to
profane mirth, yet it encourages joy and gladness, and the proper
expressions of these in the professors of it. God’s people have reason
to rejoice, and to sing for joy. They are to sing and to make melody in
their hearts; not only with their voices, but with inward affection, and
then their doing this will be as delightful and acceptable to God as
music is to us: and it must be with a design to please him, and to
promote his glory, that we do this; and then it will be done to the
http://www.blueletterbible.org/commentaries/comm_view.cfm?AuthorID=4&contentID=1777&commInfo=5&topic=Ephesians scroll down to verse 11
www.blueletterbible.org, Mathew Henry, “Commentary on Ephesians 5” Added March 1996
"But be filled with the Spirit: Paul contrasts the effect of the Holy
Spirit with the state of drunkenness. Alcohol is a depressant; it
“loosens” people because it depresses their self-control, their wisdom,
their balance and judgment. The Holy Spirit has an exactly opposite
effect. He is a stimulant; He moves every aspect of our being to better
and more perfect performance. “We find it here imbedded amongst
precepts laying down the great laws of self-control, and it comes just
before the special directions which the Apostle gives for the quiet
sanctities of the Christian home . . . But then, all the while, it is a thing
supernatural. It is a state of man wholly unattainable by training, by
reasoning, by human wish and will. It is nothing less than - God in
command and control of man’s whole life, flowing everywhere into it,
that He may flow fully and freely out of it in effects around.” (Moule)
http://www.blueletterbible.org/commentaries/comm_view.cfm?AuthorID=2&contentID=8037&commInfo=31&topic=Ephesians scroll down to d. But be filled with the Spirit:
www.blueletterbible.org, David Guzik, “Study Guide for Ephesians 5” Added July 7, 2006
"Be filled with the Spirit Within the Greek language is an indicative mode, which is the
statement of fact, and an imperative mode, which states a command.
Ephesians 5:18 is an emphatic imperative, and is literally translated,
"Be being kept filled with the Spirit." It is a command that includes the
idea of conscious continuation. Being continually filled with the Spirit
is not an option for the believer but a biblical mandate. No Christian
can fulfill God's will for his life apart from being filled with the Spirit.
Misconceptions of Being Filled with the Spirit
Much material is in print today that states you can be a Christian but
you don't necessarily have to be obedient to God. Some teach that
simply getting into the kingdom is all that really matters. They
consider one might do in obedience to the Lord through the power of
the Spirit is merely some sort of spiritual "extra credit."
However to resist the filling and control of the Holy Spirit is flagrant
disobedience, and to deny or minimize its importance is to stand
rebelliously against the clear teaching of God's own Word. Every
Christian falls short of God's standards and will sometimes fall into sin
and indifference but those who continually exist in such a state are
obviously not Christians. The Holy Spirit has given us a new nature
www.gty.org, John MacArthur, Recording of “Be Filled With The Spirit” Part I,December 3, 1978
“Christians are guilty for not being filled with the Holy Spirit as
sinners are for not repenting. They are even more so, for as they have
more light, they are much the more guilty.”
Charles Finney, Presbyterian and Congregationalist, 1792 – 1875
“Men ought to seek with their whole hearts to be filled with the Spirit
of God. Without being filled with the Spirit, it is utterly impossible
that an individual Christian or a church can ever live or work as God
Andrew Murray, South African Write, Teacher and Christian Pastor, 1828 –
The Disciples Handbooks by New Song Nashville
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BE FILLED With The Spirit
A Story of Being Filled
Acts 4:5-12
The Definition
What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit?
Ephesians 5:14-21
Acts 1:8
Romans 15:13
Acts 4:31
Acts 5:32
Acts 4
How can I be filled with the Spirit?
Acts 8:17
Luke 11:13
Acts 2:38
The Study
Ephesians 5:14-21
Ephesians 5:14-21
Ephesians 5:14-21
John 14:26
The Marks of Maturing
Go Further
Here are some additional readings for you as you are filled with the
"He exhorts them to be filled with the Spirit. Those who are full of
drink are not likely to be full of the Spirit; and therefore this duty is
opposed to the former sin. The meaning of the exhortation is that men
should labor for a plentiful measure of the graces of the Spirit, that
would fill their souls with great joy, strength, and courage, which
things sensual men expect their wine should inspire them with. We
cannot be guilty of any excess in our endeavors after these: nay, we
ought not to be satisfied with a little of the Spirit, but to be aspiring
after measures, so as to be filled with the Spirit. Now by this means we
shall come to understand what the will of the Lord is; for the Spirit of
God is given as a Spirit of wisdom and of understanding. And because
those who are filled with the Spirit will be carried out in acts of
devotion, and all the proper expressions of it, therefore the apostle
exhorts, to sing unto the Lord, v. 19. Drunkards are wont to sing
obscene and profane songs. The heathens, in their Bacchanalia, used to
sing hymns to Bacchus, whom they called the god of wine. Thus they
expressed their joy; but the joy of Christians should express itself in
songs of praise to their God. In these they should speak to themselves
in their assemblies and meetings together, for mutual edification. By
psalms may be meant David’s psalms, or such composures as were
fitly sung with musical instruments. By hymns may be meant such
others as were confined to matter of praise, as those of Zacharias,
Simeon, etc. Spiritual songs may contain a greater variety of matter,
doctrinal, prophetical, historical, etc. Observe here, (1.) The singing of
psalms and hymns is a gospel ordinance: it is an ordinance of God, and
appointed for his glory. (2.) Though Christianity is an enemy to
profane mirth, yet it encourages joy and gladness, and the proper
expressions of these in the professors of it. God’s people have reason
to rejoice, and to sing for joy. They are to sing and to make melody in
their hearts; not only with their voices, but with inward affection, and
then their doing this will be as delightful and acceptable to God as
music is to us: and it must be with a design to please him, and to
promote his glory, that we do this; and then it will be done to the
http://www.blueletterbible.org/commentaries/comm_view.cfm?AuthorID=4&contentID=1777&commInfo=5&topic=Ephesians scroll down to verse 11
www.blueletterbible.org, Mathew Henry, “Commentary on Ephesians 5” Added March 1996
"But be filled with the Spirit: Paul contrasts the effect of the Holy
Spirit with the state of drunkenness. Alcohol is a depressant; it
“loosens” people because it depresses their self-control, their wisdom,
their balance and judgment. The Holy Spirit has an exactly opposite
effect. He is a stimulant; He moves every aspect of our being to better
and more perfect performance. “We find it here imbedded amongst
precepts laying down the great laws of self-control, and it comes just
before the special directions which the Apostle gives for the quiet
sanctities of the Christian home . . . But then, all the while, it is a thing
supernatural. It is a state of man wholly unattainable by training, by
reasoning, by human wish and will. It is nothing less than - God in
command and control of man’s whole life, flowing everywhere into it,
that He may flow fully and freely out of it in effects around.” (Moule)
http://www.blueletterbible.org/commentaries/comm_view.cfm?AuthorID=2&contentID=8037&commInfo=31&topic=Ephesians scroll down to d. But be filled with the Spirit:
www.blueletterbible.org, David Guzik, “Study Guide for Ephesians 5” Added July 7, 2006
"Be filled with the Spirit Within the Greek language is an indicative mode, which is the
statement of fact, and an imperative mode, which states a command.
Ephesians 5:18 is an emphatic imperative, and is literally translated,
"Be being kept filled with the Spirit." It is a command that includes the
idea of conscious continuation. Being continually filled with the Spirit
is not an option for the believer but a biblical mandate. No Christian
can fulfill God's will for his life apart from being filled with the Spirit.
Misconceptions of Being Filled with the Spirit
Much material is in print today that states you can be a Christian but
you don't necessarily have to be obedient to God. Some teach that
simply getting into the kingdom is all that really matters. They
consider one might do in obedience to the Lord through the power of
the Spirit is merely some sort of spiritual "extra credit."
However to resist the filling and control of the Holy Spirit is flagrant
disobedience, and to deny or minimize its importance is to stand
rebelliously against the clear teaching of God's own Word. Every
Christian falls short of God's standards and will sometimes fall into sin
and indifference but those who continually exist in such a state are
obviously not Christians. The Holy Spirit has given us a new nature
www.gty.org, John MacArthur, Recording of “Be Filled With The Spirit” Part I,December 3, 1978
“Christians are guilty for not being filled with the Holy Spirit as
sinners are for not repenting. They are even more so, for as they have
more light, they are much the more guilty.”
Charles Finney, Presbyterian and Congregationalist, 1792 – 1875
“Men ought to seek with their whole hearts to be filled with the Spirit
of God. Without being filled with the Spirit, it is utterly impossible
that an individual Christian or a church can ever live or work as God
Andrew Murray, South African Write, Teacher and Christian Pastor, 1828 –
The Disciples Handbooks by New Song Nashville
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