BE TAUGHT By The Spirit
A Story of Being Taught
Acts 8:26-40
The Definition
What does it mean to be taught by the Spirit?
John 14:26
Luke 24:45
Why do I need to be taught by the Spirit?
Luke 12:12
Hebrews 8:10-11
John 16:13-15
1 John 2:27
1 Corinthians 2:12-14
1 Corinthians 2:12-14
The Memorizing of Scripture
John 14:26
Go Further
Here are some additional readings for you as you are taught by the
John 14:26 http://biblia.com/BIBLE/message/Jn14.26
BE TAUGHT By The Spirit
A Story of Being Taught
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The Definition
What does it mean to be taught by the Spirit?
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![]() impart instruction, instill doctrine, explain or expound, or hold a discourse.” This definition gives a wonderful clue into who the Spirit is, and what He does. Just as Jesus was always with His disciples and on-goingly taught them, so the Spirit is with you and teaches you [1] [1] The disciples Handbook |
Why do I need to be taught by the Spirit?
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1 Corinthians 2:12-14
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The Memorizing of Scripture
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Go Further
Here are some additional readings for you as you are taught by the
“Peter prophesied on the day of Pentecost when he spoke the brilliant message that brought thousands into the kingdom. He proclaimed the Word of God without any preparation or previous study; it was spoken by inspiration…This same thing happens to every person who gets filled with the Spirit of God. The Teacher comes to live in us, and the things of God become clearer.” 2 2 Drawing Near, John Bevere, Thomas Nelson, 2004, p. 167
“There is no college for holy education like that of the blessed Spirit, for He is an ever-present tutor, to whom we have only to bend the knee, and He is at our side, the great expositor of truth. But there is one thing about the suitability of this guide which is remarkable. I do not know whether it has struck you—the Holy Spirit can "guide us into a truth." Now, man can guide us to a truth, but it is only the Holy Spirit who can "guide us into a truth." "When He, the Spirit of truth, shall come, He shall guide you into"—mark that word—"all truth." Now, for instance, it is a long while before you can lead some people to election; but when you have made them see its correctness, you have not led them “into” it. You may show them that it is plainly stated in Scripture, but they will turn away and hate it. You take them to another great truth, but they have been brought up in a different fashion, and though they cannot answer your arguments, they say, “The man is right, perhaps,” and they whisper—but so low that conscience itself cannot hear—“but it is so contrary to my prejudices, that I cannot receive it.” After you have led them to the truth, and they see it is true, how hard it is to lead them into it! There are many of my hearers who are brought to the truth of their depravity, but they are not brought into it, and made to feel it. Some of you are brought to know the truth that God keeps us from day to day; but you rarely get into it, so as to live in continual dependence upon God the Holy Ghost, and draw fresh supplies from him. The thing is—to get inside it. A Christian should do with truth as a snail does with his shell—live inside it, as well as carry it on his back, and bear it perpetually about with him. The Holy Ghost, it is said, shall lead us into all truth. You may be brought to a chamber where there is an abundance of gold and silver, but you will be no richer unless you effect an entrance. It is the Spirit's work to unbar the two leaved gates, and bring us into a truth, so that we may get inside it, and, as dear old Rowland Hill said, "Not only hold the truth, but have the truth hold us." 3 3 “The Holy Ghost—The Great Teacher,” Charles Spurgeon, from a Sermon preached on November 18, 1855 printer friendly version
John 14:26 But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.” 4 4 John 14:26, The Amplified Bible (read John 14:26 in context in the Amplified Bible here)
John 14:26 And the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my Name, that One will teach you all things and recall to your mind all things which I spoke to you. 4 4 John 14:26, The New Testament, An Expanded Translation
John 14:26 HCSB 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit w—the Father will send x Him in My name—will teach you all things y and remind you of everything I have told you. z 4 4 John 14:26 HCSB Get the entire bible for free here!