The Photo is of my new Granddaughter, Hope Livermore, The daughter of Shawn and Colleen
The jpgs above are from Logos Bible Software for Personal Computers, and are search results for the greek word "choreo" The Bible software version I own is Logos Bible Software
If you want to get your own software, it is available and I did a few blog posts on it already:
The word choreo is χωρέω. If you have ever seen the word for dance instructor (choreographer)
you will recognize the similarity to this bible word "Choreo" often translated as follows: goes, holding, progress, contain, passes, accept, come, receive and room
Here is the first verse in the list of times Choreo is found in the New Testament Matt 15:17
But answering, He said, Every cultivated plant which my heavenly Father did not plant shall be pulled up by the roots. Let them alone. Blind leaders are they of the blind. And if a blind person is leading a blind person, both shall fall into the ditch. And Peter answering said to Him, Explain the illustration to us. And He said, And as for you, are you even yet devoid of understanding? Do you not understand that everything which enters the mouth passes into the intestines and is ejected into that which is provided as a receptacle for it? But the things which proceed out of the mouth come out of the heart, and those things defile the man; for out of the heart come pernicious reasonings, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, malicious slanders. These are the things which defile the man. But to eat with hands which have not been washed ceremonially, does not defile the man

d An understood repetition of the term from earlier in the verse
* Here the direct object is supplied from context in the English translation [2]
Another instance where Choreo is found in the New Testament is John 2:6 ,
John 2:6 Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, g according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece. The New King James Version. (1982). (Jn 2:6). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.[4]

John 21:25 the world itself could not contain. The writer uses exaggeration to make the point that the Gospel writers had to be selective of the facts and details included in their accounts. Reformation Study Bible-ESV by R C Sproul (Editor), Keith Mathison [7]--
2 Cor 7:2 is the next time that Choreo is found in the New Testament
2 Corinthians 7:1-2 (TLB)
1 (TLB) Having such great promises as these, dear friends, let us turn away from everything wrong, whether of body or spirit, and purify ourselves, living in the wholesome fear of God, giving ourselves to him alone.
2 Please open your hearts to us again, for not one of you has suffered any wrong from us. Not one of you was led astray. We have cheated no one nor taken advantage of anyone.
The Living Bible: Paraphrased -[8]
Looking up Choreo in Strongs will result in this:
5562: always emphasizes the idea of separation, change of place, and does not, like e.g. 4198, note the external and perceptible motion.[9]

Here is the word come in the form of a song about people who would come because of His great love...

Appendix / Bibliography

[7] Reformation Study Bible-ESV by R C Sproul (Editor), Keith Mathison (Editor)(1995). bringing the light of the Reformation to Scripture: New King James Version (Jn 21:25). Nashville: T. Nelson.

The following blog post is by Rick Livermore
All the links to buy the studied and quoted materials will take you to instead of the usual because the books are not always in print, and Amazon is not always going to have the lowest price on out of print books. The cash back for is 3.5% on Coupon Cabin and 2.5% on Ebates
If you want to get your own software, it is available and I did a few blog posts on it already:
The word choreo is χωρέω. If you have ever seen the word for dance instructor (choreographer)
you will recognize the similarity to this bible word "Choreo" often translated as follows: goes, holding, progress, contain, passes, accept, come, receive and room
Here is the first verse in the list of times Choreo is found in the New Testament Matt 15:17

Here are the next 3 times Choreo is found in the New Testament Mt 19:11 12
11 | But | he | said | to | them | , | |||||||||
δὲ2 | ὁ1 | εἶπεν3 | → | αὐτοῖς4 | |||||||||||
de | ho | eipen | autois | ||||||||||||
δέ | ὁ | εἶπον | αὐτός | ||||||||||||
de | ho | eipon | autos | ||||||||||||
1161 | 3588 | 2036 | 846 | ||||||||||||
Not | everyone | can | accept | this | saying | but | |||||||||
Οὐ5 | πάντες6 | → | χωροῦσι7 | τοῦτον10 | τὸν8 λόγον9 | ἀλλʼ11 | |||||||||
Ou | pantes | chōrousi | touton | ton logon | allʼ | ||||||||||
οὐ | πᾶς | χωρέω | οὗτος | ὁ λόγος | ἀλλά | ||||||||||
ou | pas | chōreō | houtos | ho logos | alla | ||||||||||
3756 | 3956 | 5562 | 5126 | 3588 3056 | 235 | ||||||||||
those | to | whom | it | has | been | given | |||||||||
→ | → | οἷς12 | → | → | → | δέδοται13 | |||||||||
hois | dedotai | ||||||||||||||
ὅς | δίδωμι | ||||||||||||||
hos | didōmi | ||||||||||||||
3739 | 1325 | ||||||||||||||
12 | For | there | are | eunuchs | who | were | |||||||||
γὰρ2 | → | εἰσὶν1 | εὐνοῦχοι3 | οἵτινες4 | → | ||||||||||
gar | eisin | eunouchoi | hoitines | ||||||||||||
γάρ | εἰμί | εὐνοῦχος | ὅστις | ||||||||||||
gar | eimi | eunouchos | hostis | ||||||||||||
1063 | 1526 | 2135 | 3748 | ||||||||||||
born | as | such | from | their | |||||||||||
ἐγεννήθησαν8 | → | οὕτως9 | ἐκ5 | • | |||||||||||
egennēthēsan | houtōs | ek | |||||||||||||
γεννάω | οὕτως | ἐκ | |||||||||||||
gennaō | houtōs | ek | |||||||||||||
1080 | 3779 | 1537 | |||||||||||||
mother’s | womb | , | and | there | are | eunuchs | who | were | made | ||||||
μητρὸς7 | κοιλίας6 | καὶ10 | → | εἰσὶν11 | εὐνοῦχοι12 | οἵτινες13 | → | → | |||||||
mētros | koilias | kai | eisin | eunouchoi | hoitines | ||||||||||
μήτηρ | κοιλία | καί | εἰμί | εὐνοῦχος | ὅστις | ||||||||||
mētēr | koilia | kai | eimi | eunouchos | hostis | ||||||||||
3384 | 2836 | 2532 | 1526 | 2135 | 3748 | ||||||||||
eunuchs | by | people, | and | there | are | eunuchs | who | have | |||||||
εὐνουχίσθησαν14 | ὑπὸ15 | τῶν16 ἀνθρώπων17 | καὶ18 | → | εἰσὶν19 | εὐνοῦχοι20 | οἵτινες21 | → | |||||||
eunouchisthēsan | hypo | tōn anthrōpōn | kai | eisin | eunouchoi | hoitines | |||||||||
εὐνουχίζω | ὑπό | ὁ ἄνθρωπος | καί | εἰμί | εὐνοῦχος | ὅστις | |||||||||
eunouchizō | hypo | ho anthrōpos | kai | eimi | eunouchos | hostis | |||||||||
2134 | 5259 | 3588 444 | 2532 | 1526 | 2135 | 3748 | |||||||||
made | themselves | eunuchs | d | for | the | sake | of | the | kingdom | of | |||||
►22 | ἑαυτοὺς23 | εὐνούχισαν22 | → | → | διὰ24 | ►26 | τὴν25 | βασιλείαν26 | → | ||||||
heautous | eunouchisan | dia | tēn | basileian | |||||||||||
ἑαυτοῦ | εὐνουχίζω | διά | ὁ | βασιλεία | |||||||||||
heautou | eunouchizō | dia | ho | basileia | |||||||||||
1438 | 2134 | 1223 | 3588 | 932 | |||||||||||
heaven. | The | one | who | is | able | to | accept | this,* | let him |
τῶν27 οὐρανῶν28 | ὁ29 | → | → | → | δυνάμενος30 | → | χωρεῖν31 | • | → → |
tōn ouranōn | ho | dynamenos | chōrein |
ὁ οὐρανός | ὁ | δύναμαι | χωρέω |
ho ouranos | ho | dynamai | chōreō |
3588 3772 | 3588 | 1410 | 5562 | 5562 |
d An understood repetition of the term from earlier in the verse
* Here the direct object is supplied from context in the English translation [2]
And having again entered Capernaum, after some days He was heard of as being at home. And there were gathered together many, so that no longer was there room to receive them, not even at the door; and He was talking to them about the Word. New Testament An Expanded Translation by K.S.Wuest[3]
| |

Another instance where Choreo is found in the New Testament is John 21:25 ,
| |||||||||||||
o Iēsous
os tis
one by one
| |||||||||||||
kata eis 2
de ou
| ||||||||
Amos 7:10 [6]

2 Cor 7:2 is the next time that Choreo is found in the New Testament
room |
Χωρήσατε1 |
Chōrēsate |
χωρέω |
chōreō |
5562 |

1 (TLB) Having such great promises as these, dear friends, let us turn away from everything wrong, whether of body or spirit, and purify ourselves, living in the wholesome fear of God, giving ourselves to him alone.
2 Please open your hearts to us again, for not one of you has suffered any wrong from us. Not one of you was led astray. We have cheated no one nor taken advantage of anyone.
The Living Bible: Paraphrased -[8]

5562: always emphasizes the idea of separation, change of place, and does not, like e.g. 4198, note the external and perceptible motion.[9]
(3:9) “Is slack” is brandunō (βρανδυνω), “to delay or loiter.” The Septuagint has it “to linger.” Alford translates “to be tardy.” “The word implies, besides delay, the idea of lateness with reference to an appointed time” (Vincent). Strachan comments: “The idea combated is that God has made a promise and has not kept it. He is, however, better than His promise. The additional element of His long suffering is brought into play. God is greater than men’s conception of Him especially if their’s is a mechanical view of the universe.… As nowhere else in the epistle, here the writer of II Peter enables us to view the summit of the Christian faith, and to rise to a magnificent conception of God.… Delay does not spring from an unwillingness or impotence to perform. His will is not even that ‘some’ should perish, though that is regarded by the writer as inevitable.… Some will perish, but it is not His will. His will is that all should come to repentance. The goodness of God should lead to repentance.”
Word Studies in the Greek New Testament, for the English Reader by Kenneth S Wuest [10]
The word “willing” is boulomai (βουλομαι). The synonyms thelō (θελω) and boulomai (βουλομαι) mean “to wish, desire.” Thayer says: “Many agree with Prof. Grimm that thelō (θελω) gives prominence to the emotional element, boulomai (βουλομαι), to the rational and volitional; that thelō (θελω) signifies the choice, while boulomai (βουλομαι) marks the choice as deliberate and intelligent; yet they acknowledge that the words are sometimes used indiscriminately, and especially that thelō (θελω) as the less sharply defined term is put where boulomai (βουλομαι) would be proper.” Trench, in his Synonyms of the New Testament says regarding synonyms: “All that we certainly affirm is that, granting this, (namely, that there may be one hundred passages where it would be quite as possible to use the one as the other), there is a hundred and first, where one would be appropriate and the other not, or where, at all events, one would be more appropriate than the other.”
It would seem that boulomai (βουλομαι) is used here advisedly by Peter. It is not God’s considered will that any should perish. There is the sovereignty of God and the free will of man. God will not violate man’s will. While it is His considered will that no one should be lost, yet in making man in His image He necessarily had to make him a free moral agent, with a will which is able to say “yes” and “no” to Him. While God is always willing to save man, man is not always willing to be saved.
“Longsuffering” is makrothumia (μακροθυμια), God’s infinite patience with sinners who put Him to the test and provoke Him. Trench says: “Men may tempt (test) and provoke Him, and He may and does display an infinite makrothumia (μακροθυμια) in regard of them (Ex. 34:6; Rom. 2:4; I Pet. 2:20); there may be a resistance to God in men, because He respects the wills which He has given them, even when those wills are fighting against Him.”
Peter says that the seeming delay of God in fulfilling His promise of the second Advent is not any tardiness on His part to keep an appointment, but is due to His long patience with sinners, giving the human race an opportunity, generation after generation, to accept the salvation He has wrought out on the Cross.
Translation. The Lord is not tardy with regard to the appointed time of His promise, as certain consider tardiness, but is long-suffering toward us, not having it as His considered will that certain should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

The following is from the dictionary, the English word Come could be the Greek word Choreo. There is a list of words for Come, and Chora is the 24th word in the list COME 24. choreo (χωρέω, 5562), lit., “to make room (chora, “a place”) for another, and so to have place, receive,” is rendered “come” (followed by “to repentance”) in 2 Pet. 3:9; the meaning strictly is “have room (i.e., space of time) for repentance.” See CONTAIN, GO, PLACE, ROOM, RECEIVE. [11]

The following is from the dictionary, the English words Recieve or Recieving could be the Greek word Chora. There is a list of words for Recieve or Recieving, and Chora is the 18th word in the list RECEIVE, RECEIVING 18. choreo (χωρέω, 5562), “to give space, make room for” (chora, “a place”), is used metaphorically, of “receiving” with the mind, Matt. 19:11, 12; into the heart, 2 Cor. 7:2, RV, “open your hearts,” marg., “make room” (KJV, receive). See COME, No. 24, CONTAIN, No. 1, COURSE, B.[12]
Appendix / Bibliography
[1] Wuest, K. S. (1961). New Testament An Expanded Translation (Mt 15:10–20)
The New Testament: an expanded translation . Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. -- New Testament An Expanded Translation
The New Testament: an expanded translation . Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. -- New Testament An Expanded Translation

[2] Harris, W. H., III, Ritzema, E., Brannan, R., Mangum, D., Dunham, J., Reimer, J. A., & Wierenga, M. (Eds.). (2012). The Lexham English Bible (Mt 19:11-12). Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.
[3] Wuest, K. S. (1961).New Testament An Expanded TranslationWuest, K. S. (Mk 2:1–5). Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.
[6]New King James Version (1982). (Jn 21:25 , ). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

[8] The Living Bible: Paraphrased - A Thought-for-Thought Translation Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1971. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.

[10] Wuest, K. S. (1997). Word Studies in the Greek New Testament, for the English Reader by Kenneth S Wuest
(Vol. 12, pp. 70–71). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. (WWSGNT):
(Vol. 12, pp. 70–71). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. (WWSGNT):

[13] Blayney, B., Scott, T., & Torrey, R. A. with Canne, J., Browne. (n.d.). The Treasury of Scripture knowledge (Vol. 2, p. 129). London: Samuel Bagster and Sons.
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