Lesson 7
LESSON 7 “Pray”
A Story of Prayer
Acts 4:23-31
What is prayer?
Philippians 4:6-7
Ephesians 6:18
Romans 8:26-28
In the Greek language, “pray” is the word “proseuchomai” [prosyoo'-khom-ahee], which is broken down into two words, "pros", which means towards, and "seuchomai”, which means to wish or to pray. |
James 5:13-18
1 John 5:14-15
How do you pray?
Matthew 6:6-13
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19
They saw times when he prayed
during the day
Luke 3:21
, times when he prayed all night
Luke 6:12
, and times when
he prayed alone with the Father
Luke 5:15-16; 9:18
The Study of Prayer
1 John 5:14 & 15,
1 John 5:14 & 15
Go Further
Here are some optional readings for you as you live a lifestyle of
“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be
alive without breathing.” ~ Martin Luther
www.thinkexist.com, Martin Luther, Priest and Professor of Theology, 1483 –
"You can do more than pray after you have prayed; but you can never
do more than pray until you have prayed." ~ A.J. Gordon
www.christianquotes.com, A.J. Gordon, American Baptist preacher, writer,
composer, and founder of Gordon College, 1836 – 1895
“Prayer should not be regarded as a duty which must be performed,
but rather as a privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight that is always
revealing some new beauty." ~ E.M. Bounds
www.christianquotes.com, Edward McKendree Bounds, Clergyman and Author,

“The Lord’s Prayer.” In this model of perfect prayer, He gives us a
law form to be followed, and yet one to be filled in and enlarged as we
may decide when we pray. The outlines and form are complete, yet it
is but an outline, with many a blank, which our needs and convictions
are to fill in.
Christ puts words on our lips, words which are to be uttered by
holy lives. Words belong to the life of prayer. Wordless prayers are
like human spirits; pure and high they may be, but too ethereal and
impalpable for earthly conflicts and earthly needs and uses. We must
have spirits clothed in flesh and blood, and our prayers must be
likewise clothed in words to give them point and power, a local
habitation, and a name.
This lesson of “The Lord’s Prayer,” drawn forth by the request
of the disciples, “Lord, teach us to pray,” has something in form and
verbiage like the prayer sections of the Sermon on the Mount. It is the
same great lesson of praying to “Our Father which art in Heaven,” and
is one of insistent importunity. No prayer lesson would be complete
without it. It belongs to the first and last lessons in prayer. God’s
Fatherhood gives shape, value and confidence to all our praying.
In this prayer He teaches His disciples, so familiar to thousands
in this day who learned it at their mother’s knees in childhood, the
words are so childlike that children find their instruction, edification
and comfort in them as they kneel and pray. The most glowing mystic
and the most careful thinker finds each his own language in these
simple words of prayer. Beautiful and revered as these words are, they
are our words for solace, help and learning.
He led the way in prayer that we might follow His footsteps.
Matchless leader in matchless praying! Lord, teach us to pray as Thou
didst Thyself pray!
The Reality of Prayer, Edward McKendree Bounds, Baker Books, 2004
The Disciples Handbooks by New Song Nashville
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