Adam Clarke's Commentary - Rev 22:14 Revelation 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments—They are happy who are obedient.That they may have right to the tree of life—The original is much more expressive, Ἱνα εσται ἡ εξουσια αυτων επι το ξυλον της ζωης· That they may have authority over the tree of life; an authority founded on right, this right founded on obedience to the commandments of God, and that obedience produced by the grace of God working in them. Without grace no obedience; without obedience no authority to the tree of life; without authority no right; without right no enjoyment: God's grace through Christ produces the good,and then rewards it as if all had been our own,[2]
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The Apocalypse |
The Apocalypse -Our English version reads, "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." The now better-established reading, to which all consent, literally rendered, is: "Blessed they that wash their robes, that they may [in that day shall] have the power over the tree of life, and enter by the gates into the city." The meaning is not essentially different; but the true reading cuts out the possibility of a legalistic interpretation, gives to the passage its genuine evangelic flavour, and conforms its imagery to what was previously said in this Book with reference to what brought the great multitude out of the great tribulation. (Chap. 7:14.)Washing, or cleansing, is the great qualification for heaven,—"the washing of water by the word" (Eph. 5:26),—"the washing of regeneration" (Tit. 3:5),—cleansing by the blood of Jesus Christ (1 John 1:7). There is no doing or keeping of commandments that can save us without this. (Ephr. 2:8, 9.) Hence Paul speaks of the Corinthian Christians as "washed, sanctified, justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God" (1 Cor. 6:11); and John ascribes glory and dominion to the Lord Jesus for having washed [freed] us from our sins in His own blood (Rev. 1:5); and the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews speaks of our drawing near to the holiest of all, "having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water" as the high priest of old (Heb. 10:22). Nor can we ever hope to enter the Holy City, or eat of its fruits, or taste of its blessedness, without this spiritual washing from all the filthinesses of the flesh and of the spirit. "The dogs, or unclean ones, and the sorcerers, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and every one loving and making a lie [or what is false]," are all excluded from that pure and holy habitation. And whoever hath good hope of seeing and being with Christ in heaven, "purifieth himself even as he is pure." (1 John 3:2,3.) But the washing of which the text speaks, whilst presupposing and including this general cleansing, is something more special. It is a washing of garments or robes. It has reference to habit in particular, in addition to the nature in general. One's clothes are reckoned with himself. They are an outside part of him, but that which marks the form, order, or habit in which he bears himself. There is something moral and spiritual in clothes. They express much of the inward taste and character. They come between us and society, to a large extent represent us to society, and react again on our inner consciousness, moral sense, and state of mind and heart. We cannot always judge one from the clothes he wears, but we cannot help the effect which clothes have upon our judgment of people. They tell a story of the wearers of them. And if any one is habitually filthy, slovenly, unclean, and untidy in his garments, it is a blur upon him, a repugnance, a thing to make his presence unwelcome and undesirable in respectable company. When it comes to agreeable social recognition and intercourse, clean clothes are associated with a right heart, a right mind, and a right feeling. Anything short of this is an offence and a disqualification. Hence the Scriptural figure of keeping one's garments and washing one's robes, as a spiritual requirement for the society of heaven. He that hath not on "a wedding garment" is cast out, and not permitted to have place at the supper-table of the king. We must therefore distinguish this washing of robes and cleanness of apparel from the spiritual and more inward washing of the man in general.What, then, is this particular washing of garments? This question I have nowhere seen answered; and yet it needs to be answered, and can be answered. Nor need we be surprised if it should turn out to have direct reference to the main subject of this Apocalypse. The chief honours of the kingdom at Christ's coming are everywhere connected with a looking and waiting for that coming, and the earnest and loving direction of our hearts and hopes to it as the great goal of our faith. Thus we read, "Unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation." (Eph 2:9) "The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared, teaching us that denying ungodliness and fleshly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, looking for that blessed hope, even the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." (3.) "There is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing." (2 Tim. 4:8.) "Ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven." (1 Thess. 1:9, 10.) It appears from this, and suchlike passages, that the attitude of looking, waiting, watching, and constant stretching forth of the heart, for the coming again of the Lord Jesus in his great Apocalypse, is the proper Christian habit, and that we put our prospects in peril where this habit is not cherished and kept as the very spirit and life of our faith. And the putting of ourselves in this attitude, and the cultivation of this habit, is what I take to be the particular washing and keeping of our garments to which the Scriptures so frequently refer. It is the general washing in the blood of Christ carried out into the habit of the soul toward his promised return.An example of this particular washing and whitening of the Christian's robes is given us in the case of the great multitude which comes out of the great Tribulation. (Rev. 7:9-14.) What was the particular defect and trouble which brought them into that tribulation? Why were they not in the company of those who were kept from that "hour of trial" and already crowned in heaven before the great tribulation set in? The Saviour himself, in Matthew 24:42-51, and elsewhere, gives the explanation. They would not believe that Christ could come in their lifetime. They did not watch and keep themselves in readiness for his return. They said, "My Lord delayeth his coming;" and began to smite their fellow-servants, to run with the common world around them, to eat and drink with the drunken, and did not keep themselves girded as servants that wait for their Lord. Hence they were not ready when their Lord came, and for that reason were cut off from the exalted favours of the waiting and ready ones, and compelled to feel the weight of the afflictions which then fall in judgment upon the godless world. And this was the having of soiled garments, unwashed robes, which had to be made white to fit them for place in the society of heaven. A great multitude of them get to heaven afterwards, because they wash their robes and make them clean in the blood of the Lamb. And that washing, as we learn from the Parable of the Ten Virgins, is the bringing of themselves to a true advent faith and habit.So again, in Rev. 16:15, this same keeping of garments is specifically connected with a state or habit of watching and being in readiness for the impending advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. "Behold, I come as a thief; blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments."It is therefore clear to me that this washing of robes and keeping of garments relates to the attitude and habit of looking for the coming of Christ, and keeping in constant expectation and readiness for it as an impending event. And the blessedness of access to and power over the Tree of Life, and of entrance by the gates of pearl into the Golden City, is here made to depend on this very washing of our robes and keeping of our garments. What a lesson for those who despise the advent teachings and make light of the doctrine of the certain and speedy coming of the Lord! Brethren, as you hope to walk those golden streets, and eat of those immortal fruits, see to it that you have your garments clean and "your loins girded about like unto men waiting for their Lord."Watch! 'tis your Lord's command; And while we speak, He's near. Mark the first signal of His Hand, And ready all appear. O happy servant he, He shall his Lord with rapture see, And be with honour crowned.[3]
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Barnes' Notes on the New Testament - Rev 22:14 Revelation of John 22:14 Verse 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments. Revelation 1:3; Revelation 22:7. That they may have right. That they may be entitled to approach the tree of life; that this privilege may be granted to them. It is not a right in the sense that they have merited it, but in the sense that the privilege is conferred on them as one of the rewards of God, and that, in virtue of the Divine arrangements, they will be entitled to this honour. So the word here used-εξουσια-means in John 1:12, rendered power. The reason why this right or privilege is conferred is not implied in the use of the word. In this case it is by grace, and all the right which they have to the tree of life is founded on the fact that God has been pleased graciously to confer it on them. To the tree of life. Revelation 22:2. They would not be forbidden to approach that tree as Adam was, but would be permitted always to partake of it, and would live for ever. And may enter in through the gates into the city. The New Jerusalem, Revelation 21:2. They would have free access there; they would be permitted to abide there for ever. (*) "Blessed" Luke 12:37 [4]
Believer's Study Bible, The - Rev 22:14 Revelation 22 22:14 Manuscript readings favoring the translation of "do His commandments" are inferior and highly questionable on theological grounds. The better manuscripts are also theologically consistent with the scriptural teachings of salvation by grace appropriated by faith, and read "blessed are those who wash their robes" (NU wash their robes). The washing of robes refers to the cleansing by the blood of Christ to which the believers submit.[5]

Bible Exposition Commentary - 22:14 The Challenge of the City (Rev. 22:6-21)Heaven is more than a destination; it is a motivation. Knowing that we shall dwell in the heavenly city ought to make a difference in our lives here and now. The vision of the heavenly city motivated the patriarchs as they walked with God and served Him (10, 13-16). Knowing that He was returning to the Father in heaven also encouraged Jesus Christ as He faced the cross (Heb. 12:2). The assurance of heaven must not lull us into complacency or carelessness, but spur us to fulfill our spiritual duties.We must keep God's Word (vv. 6-11, 18-19). Because what John wrote is the Word of God, his words are faithful and true (see Rev. 19:11). The same God who spoke through the prophets also spoke through the Apostle John. As the "capstone" of God's revelation, John's book cannot be divorced from the rest of the Bible. If we deny that John wrote the truth, then we must also deny the prophets.
What does it mean to "keep the sayings of the prophecy of this book"? (Rev. 22:7) Basically, it means to guard, to watch over, to preserve intact. We must not add to the Word of God or take anything from it (see Deut 4:2; Prov. 30:5-6). And this responsibility is especially great in light of Christ's return. The word shortly in Revelation 22:6 means "quickly come to pass." The church has expected Christ to return since the days of the Apostles, and He has not yet come; but when John's prophecies begin to be fulfilled, they will happen very quickly. There will be no delay.The warnings in Revelation 22:18-19 do not suggest that people who tamper with the Bible will be brought back to earth to suffer the Tribulation's plagues, or that they will lose their salvation. Nobody fully understands the Bible or can explain everything in it; and those of us who teach the Word sometimes have to change our interpretations as we grow in knowledge. God sees the heart, and He can separate ignorance from impudence and immaturity from rebellion.It was customary in ancient days for writers to put this kind of warning at the close of their books, because the people who copied them for public distribution might be tempted to tamper with the material. However, John's warning was not addressed to a writer, but to the hearer, the believer in the congregation where this book was read aloud. By analogy, however, it would apply to anyone reading and studying the book today. We may not be able to explain the penalties given, but we do know this: it is a dangerous thing to tamper with the Word of God. The one who guards the Word and obeys it will be blessed; the one who alters it will be disciplined in some way.For a second time, John was overwhelmed by what he saw and heard; and he fell down to worship the angel who was speaking to him (see Rev. 19:10). The angel gave John three words of counsel: do not worship angels; worship God; and do not seal up the Revelation. The Prophet Daniel was commanded to seal his book (Dan.12:4), because the time was not yet ready. John's book was an "apocalypse," an unveiling (Rev. 1:1); and, therefore, it must not be sealed.Once again, the Holy Spirit is reminding us of the living unity of God's Word. We have seen in our study how John, led by the Spirit, reached back into the Old Testament and used many of the images found there, including Daniel's prophecy. Scripture is its own best interpreter.Does Revelation 22:11 suggest that God does not want men to repent and change their ways? No, because that would be contrary to the message of Revelation and of the Gospel itself. The angel's words must be understood in light of the repeated statement, "Behold, I come quickly" (Rev. 22:7, 12), as well as his statement, "For the time is at hand" (Rev. 22:10). Jesus Christ's coming will occur so quickly that men will not have time to change their characters.Revelation 22:11, therefore, is a solemn warning that decision determines character, and character determines destiny. Suffering believers might ask, "Is it worth it to live a godly life?" John's reply is, "Yes! Jesus is returning, and He will reward you!" Next comes John's second admonition.We have the responsibility of serving the Lord (Rev 22:12). "My reward is with Me" implies that God is mindful of our sufferings and our service, and nothing will ever be done in vain if it is done for Him. At the Judgment Seat of Christ, believers will be judged according to their works; and rewards will be given to those who have been faithful.
Throughout church history, there have been those who have (to use Dwight L. Moody's words) become "so heavenly minded that they were no earthly good." They quit their jobs, sold their property, and sat and waited for Jesus to return. All of them have been embarrassed, of course, because it is unbiblical to set dates for His coming. It is also unbiblical to become careless and lazy just because we believe Jesus is coming soon. Paul faced this problem with some of the believers in Thessalonica (2 Thes. 3).No wonder John added, "Blessed are they that do His commandments" (Rev. 22:14). If we really believe that Jesus is coming soon, we will watch and be faithful (Luke 12:35 ff).Revelation 22:13 is a great encouragement to anyone who seeks to serve the Lord. Whatever God starts, He will finish; for He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last (see Phil.1:6;Phil.2:12-13).We must keep our lives clean (Rev.22:15-16). The contrast here is between those who do God's commandments and enter the city, and those who reject His Word and are excluded from the city (see Rev. 21:8, Rev. 21:27). It is not likely that those who "do His commandments" are a special or an elite group of saints. The phrase is similar to "them that overcome" and characterizes all the people of God. Obedience to God's Word is a mark of true salvation.
Our Lord's titles in Revelation 22:16 are most interesting. The "root" is buried in the ground where no one can see it, but the "star" is in the heavens where everyone can see it. In "the Root and Offspring of David" we have Jesus' Jewish, national name, but in "the Bright and Morning Star" we have His universal name. One speaks of humility, the other of majesty and glory.As "the Root... of David," Jesus Christ brought David into existence. As "the Offspring of David," Jesus came into this world, born a Jew from David's line. Both the deity and the humanity of Jesus are evident here. For a parallel, see Matthew 22:41-46.The "morning star" announces dawn's soon arrival. Jesus Christ will come for His church as "the Morning Star." But when He returns to judge, it will be as "the Sun of righteousness" in burning fury (Mal. 4:1-3). Because God's people look for their Lord's return, they keep their lives clean and dedicated to Him (1 John 2:28-3:3).We must keep expecting Jesus Christ to return (Rev. 22: 17, (Rev. 22:20-21). Three times in this closing chapter John wrote, "I [Christ] come quickly" (Rev. 22:7, Rev. 22:12,Rev. 22: 20). But He has "delayed" His return for nearly 2,000 years! Yes, He has; and Peter tells us why: God wants to give this sinful world opportunity to repent and be saved (2 Peter 3:1ff). In the meantime, the Spirit of God, through the church (the bride), calls for Jesus to come; for the bride wants to meet her Bridegroom and enter into her home. "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Rev. 22:2).
But believers ought also to invite lost sinners to trust Christ and drink the water of life. Indeed, when the church lives in expectancy of Christ's return, such an attitude provokes ministry and evangelism as well as purity of heart. We want to tell others of the grace of God. A true understanding of Bible prophecy should both motivate us to obey God's Word and to share God's invitation with a lost world.If our study of Revelation has been truly led by the Spirit, then we will join John in the Bible's last prayer:"Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"Are you ready?[7]
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Bible Knowledge Commentary - Rev 22:146. The Coming Blessing and Judgment (Rev. 22:14-15) »Front Matter »Intro »Outline »Bibliography6. The Coming Blessing And Judgment (Rev.22:14-15)Rev.22:14-15. The last of the seven beatitudes of Revelation is bestowed on the saints, those who wash their robes. They have access to the New Jerusalem and its tree of life (Rev.22:19). The other six beatitudes are in 1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7. In the manuscripts followed by the kjv, the expression "those who wash their robes" is translated "that do His commandments." In both cases the words accurately describe the righteous.
Defender's Study Bible, The - Rev 22:14 Revelation 22:14 Blessed. This is the seventh and last of the "beatitudes" in Revelation. See also 1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7.

International Standard Version Notes - Rev 22:14 Notes For Verse 14[wash their robes] - Other mss. read who do his commandments[11
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Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary - Rev 22:14 Notes for Verse 14Verse 14. do his commandments—so B, Syriac, Coptic, and Cyprian. But A, Aleph, and Vulgate read, "(Blessed are they that) wash their robes," namely, in the blood of the Lamb (compare Rev. 7:14). This reading takes away the pretext for the notion of salvation by works. But even English Version reading is quite compatible with salvation by grace; for God's first and grand Gospel "commandment" is to believe on Jesus. Thus our "right" to (Greek, "privilege" or "lawful authority over") the tree of life is due not to our doings, but to what He has done for us. The right, or privilege, is founded, not on our merits, but on God's grace,"[12]
Matthew Henry Unabridged - Rev 22:14 A Confirmation of This and All the Other Visions of This Book 22:6-19 We have here a solemn ratification of the contents of this book, and particularly of this last vision (though some think it may not only refer to the whole book, but to the whole New Testament, yea, to the whole Bible, completing and confirming the canon of scripture); and here,1. This is confirmed by the name and nature of that God who gave out these discoveries: he is the Lord God, faithful and true, and so are all his sayings.2. By the messengers he chose, to reveal these things to the world; the holy angels showed them to holy men of God; and God would not employ his saints and angels in deceiving the world.3. They will soon be confirmed by their accomplishment: they are things that must shortly be done; Christ will make haste, he will come quickly, and put all things out of doubt; and then those will prove the wise and happy men who have believed and kept his words.4. By the integrity of that angel who had been the apostle's guide and interpreter in these visions; this integrity was such that he not only refused to accept religious adoration from John, but once and again reproved him for it. He who was so tender of the honour of God, and so displeased with what was a wrong to God, would never come in his name to lead the people of God into mere dreams and delusions; and it is a still further confirmation of the sincerity of this apostle that he confesses his own sin and folly, into which he had now again relapsed, and he leaves this his failing on perpetual record: this shows he was a faithful and an impartial writer.5. By the order given to leave the book of the prophecy open, to be perused by all, that they might labour to understand it, that they might make their objections against it, and compare the prophecy with the events. God here deals freely and openly with all; he does not speak in secret, but calls every one to witness to the declarations here made, v. 10.
6. By the effect this book, thus kept open, will have upon men; those that are filthy and unjust will take occasion thence to be more so, but it will confirm, strengthen, and further sanctify those that are upright with God; it will be a savor of life to some and of death to others, and so will appear to be from God, v. 12.
7. It will be Christ's rule of judgment at the great day; he will dispense rewards and punishments to men according as their works agree or disagree with the word of God; and therefore that word itself must needs be faithful and true.8. It is the word of him who is the author, finisher, and rewarder of the faith and holiness of his people, v. 13,14. He is the first and the last, and the same from first to last, and so is his word too; and he will by this word give to his people, who conform themselves to it, a right to the tree of life, and an entrance into heaven; and this will be a full confirmation of the truth and authority of his word, since it contains the title and evidence of that confirmed state of holiness and happiness that remains for his people in heaven.
9. It is a book that condemns and excludes from heaven all wicked, unrighteous persons, and particularly those that love and make lies (v. 15), and therefore can never be itself a lie.
10. It is confirmed by the testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit of prophecy. And this Jesus, as God, is the root of David, though, as man, his offspring-a person in whom all uncreated and created excellencies meet, too great and too good to deceive his churches and the world. He is the fountain of all light, the bright and the morning star, and as such has given to his churches this morning light of prophecy, to assure them of the light of that perfect day which is approaching.11. It is confirmed by an open and general invitation to all to come and partake of the promises and privileges of the gospel, those streams of the water of life; these are tendered to all who feel in their souls a thirst which nothing in this world can quench.12. It is confirmed by the joint testimony of the Spirit of God, and that gracious Spirit that is in all the true members of the church of God; the Spirit and the bride join in testifying the truth and excellency of the gospel.13. It is confirmed by a most solemn sanction, condemning and cursing all who should dare to corrupt or change the word of God, either by adding to it or taking from it, v. 18,19. He that adds to the word of God draws down upon himself all the plagues written in this book; and he who takes any thing away from it cuts himself off from all the promises and privileges of it. This sanction is like a flaming sword, to guard the canon of the scripture from profane hands. Such a fence as this God set about the law (Deu. 4:2), and the whole Old Testament (Malachi 4:4), and now in the most solemn manner about the whole Bible, assuring us that it is a book of the most sacred nature, divine authority, and of the last importance, and therefore the peculiar care of the great God.[15]
Nelson's NKJV Study Bible - Rev 22:14
Rev 22:14,15 Blessed introduces the last of the seven beatitudes in Revelation (see also Rev 22:7 Rev 1:3 Rev 14:13 Rev 16:15 Rev 19:9 Rev 20:6). Since the tree of life is literal but is also viewed figuratively (see Prov 3:18 Prov 11:30 Prov 13:12 Prov 15:4), it suggests a quality of life involving an intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ based upon a persevering obedience. This may be a fulfillment of Christ's provision of life, and more abundant life (see John 10:10). Since no one can enter … into the city unless their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life (Rev. 21:27), this beatitude is speaking of those justified by faith who express that faith in obedience (see Eph. 2:8). The obedient overcomer is promised the reward of entering through the gates of the city, possibly a privilege reserved for those who share in the Lord's victory procession.[16]
Revelation 22:14 Blessed are those who wash their robes so they can enter through the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the tree of life.NLT This verse includes the seventh and final beatitude in Revelation (the others were in
1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7; see the chart at 14:13): Blessed are those who wash their robes. This picture symbolizes those who seek to purify themselves from a sinful way of life. Previously in the vision, John had seen God's people dressed in white robes, and the angel had explained that "these are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb" (7:14 niv). These people had been dirty with sin, but Christ had cleansed them through his death on the cross. They had accepted his salvation by "washing their robes." The verb in 7:14 was aorist, indicating an action in a specific time in the past. Here, the verb is present tense, indicating continuous action. This verse is a call to the believers to strive daily to remain faithful and ready for Christ's return. They do not need to be saved over and over; but they should continue to "wash their robes" and so remain clean and ready. Those who do so can enter through the gates of the city and eat the fruit from the tree of life. Entering the city indicates joining the redeemed people in eternity (the "city" is described in 21:10-27). In Eden, Adam and Eve had been barred from any access to the tree of life because of their sin (3:22). In the new earth, God's people will eat from the tree of life because their sins have been removed by Christ's death and resurrection. Those who eat the fruit of this tree will live forever. Christ said that he would reward his followers for their deeds. This means that we will give an account of our faithfulness. Jesus is coming back—we know this is true. Does this mean we must quit our jobs in order to serve God? No, it means we are to use our time, talents, and treasures diligently in order to serve God completely in whatever we do. For a few people, this may mean changing professions. LIFE APPLICATION KEEP ON WORKING For most, however, it means doing daily work out of love for God. Be faithful in what you have been given. [13]
Life Application Bible Notes - Rev 22:14
Rev 22:12-14 Those who wash their robes are those who seek to purify themselves from a sinful way of life. They strive daily to remain faithful and ready for Christ's return. This concept is also explained in the second note on 7:14.
Rev 22:12-14 Those who wash their robes are those who seek to purify themselves from a sinful way of life. They strive daily to remain faithful and ready for Christ's return. This concept is also explained in the second note on 7:14.
Rev 22:14 In Eden, Adam and Eve were barred from any access to the tree of life because of their sin (Genesis 3:22-24). In the new earth, God's people will eat from the tree of life because their sins have been removed by Christ's death and resurrection. Those who eat the fruit of this tree will live forever. If Jesus has forgiven your sins, you will have the right to eat from this tree. For more on this concept, see the first note on Rev 22:2.[14]

Rev 22:14,15 Blessed introduces the last of the seven beatitudes in Revelation (see also Rev 22:7 Rev 1:3 Rev 14:13 Rev 16:15 Rev 19:9 Rev 20:6). Since the tree of life is literal but is also viewed figuratively (see Prov 3:18 Prov 11:30 Prov 13:12 Prov 15:4), it suggests a quality of life involving an intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ based upon a persevering obedience. This may be a fulfillment of Christ's provision of life, and more abundant life (see John 10:10). Since no one can enter … into the city unless their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life (Rev. 21:27), this beatitude is speaking of those justified by faith who express that faith in obedience (see Eph. 2:8). The obedient overcomer is promised the reward of entering through the gates of the city, possibly a privilege reserved for those who share in the Lord's victory procession.[16]
New Commentary on the Whole Bible - Rev 22:14
14 do his commandments—Even though this reading is supported by many late manuscripts, the earliest manuscripts read, "wash their robes." Therefore, the reference is to the washing of their robes in the blood of the Lamb (7:14). This reading takes away the pretext for the notion of salvation by works. God's first and grand gospel "commandment" is to believe on Jesus. Therefore, our right to the tree of life is due, not to our doings, but to what he has done for us. The right or privilege is founded, not on our merits, but on God's grace.[17]

New Oxford Annotated Bible, The - Rev 22:1414 do his commandments—Even though this reading is supported by many late manuscripts, the earliest manuscripts read, "wash their robes." Therefore, the reference is to the washing of their robes in the blood of the Lamb (7:14). This reading takes away the pretext for the notion of salvation by works. God's first and grand gospel "commandment" is to believe on Jesus. Therefore, our right to the tree of life is due, not to our doings, but to what he has done for us. The right or privilege is founded, not on our merits, but on God's grace.[17]

Rev 22:14 Blessed, see Rev 1:3 [note]. Wash, Rev 7:14. The city, the heavenly Jerusalem.[18]
The People's New Testament - Rev 22:14
14. Blessed are they that wash their robes. See the Revision. Those who have their robes washed are those whose sins are forgiven, and who obey Christ. These have the right to enter the city, for no sinner can enter there.[19]
14. Blessed are they that wash their robes. See the Revision. Those who have their robes washed are those whose sins are forgiven, and who obey Christ. These have the right to enter the city, for no sinner can enter there.[19]

Verse 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments. The Revised Version adopts the reading, οἱ πλύνοντες τὰς στολὰς αὐτῶν, “they that wash their robes,” which is found in א, A, 1, 33, Vulgate, AEthiopic, Armenian, Primasius, and which is probably correct. The reading of the Textus Receptus, ποιοῦντες τὰς ἐντολὰς αὐτοῦ, “they that do his commandments,” is found in B, Syriac, Coptic, etc. The Vulgate adds, “in the blood of the Lamb,” as in 7:14, which is, of course, the full meaning. The free will of man is implied in the active form of the participle. That they may have right to the tree of life; in order that they may have authority over the tree of life; i.e. the right to partake of it. Ebrard makes this clause dependent (as a consequence) upon “do:” “They do them in order that they may have,” etc. Others attach this clause to “blessed: They are blessed because they may have the right,” etc. Both significations may well be implied. “The tree of life” is that described in ver. 2, and promised “to him that overcometh” in Revelation 2:7. And may enter in through the gates into the city; by the portals; that is, in the natural way of people who have a right to enter.
Revelation 22:14
That do His commandments (οἱ ποιοῦντες τὰς ἐντολὰς αὐτοῦ)
Read οἱ πλύνοντες τὰς στολὰς αὐτῶν they that wash their robes. Compare 7:14.
Lit., in order that theirs shall be authority over the tree of life. For ἐξουσία right, authority, see on John 1:12. Ἑπί may be the preposition of direction: "may have right to come to" (so Rev.) or may be rendered over.[22]
Blessed (makarioi). This is the last beatitude of the book and "deals with the issues of the higher life" (Swete).
They that wash their robes (hoi plunontes tas stolas autōn). Present active articular participle of plunō. See Rev. 7:14 for this very verb with stolas, while in Rev. 3:4 the negative statement occurs. Cf. 1 Cor. 6:11.
That they may have the right (hina estai hē exousia autōn). Purpose clause with hina and the future middle of eimi (a common construction in this book, Rev. 6:4, Rev .6:11; Rev. 9:5; Rev. 9:20; Rev.13:12; Rev.14:13), "that there may be their right."
To come to the tree of life (epi to xulon tēs zōēs). "Over the tree of life." On exousia epi = "power over" see Rev. 6:8; Rev. 13:7; Rev. 16:9; Luke 9:1. On "the tree of life" see Rev. 2:7; Rev.22:2.
May enter in (eiselthōsin). Purpose clause with hina and the second aorist active subjunctive of eiserchomai parallel with hina estai (future).
By the gates (tois pulōsin). Associative instrumental case of pulōn (Rev. 21:12), "by the gate towers."[23]
They that wash their robes (hoi plunontes tas stolas autōn). Present active articular participle of plunō. See Rev. 7:14 for this very verb with stolas, while in Rev. 3:4 the negative statement occurs. Cf. 1 Cor. 6:11.
That they may have the right (hina estai hē exousia autōn). Purpose clause with hina and the future middle of eimi (a common construction in this book, Rev. 6:4, Rev .6:11; Rev. 9:5; Rev. 9:20; Rev.13:12; Rev.14:13), "that there may be their right."
To come to the tree of life (epi to xulon tēs zōēs). "Over the tree of life." On exousia epi = "power over" see Rev. 6:8; Rev. 13:7; Rev. 16:9; Luke 9:1. On "the tree of life" see Rev. 2:7; Rev.22:2.
May enter in (eiselthōsin). Purpose clause with hina and the second aorist active subjunctive of eiserchomai parallel with hina estai (future).
By the gates (tois pulōsin). Associative instrumental case of pulōn (Rev. 21:12), "by the gate towers."[23]
Willmington's Bible Handbook - Rev 22:14 Revelation 22:10-17»Intro »Front Matter »Indexes & Study Helps Rev. 22:10 "Keep it open! The time is near!" The angel urged John to openly share what he had seen, for Christ's coming is near, and though sinners will probably continue in their sin, the righteous must be encouraged in their faith (Rev. 22:10-11). Christ himself then promised to come soon and reward the faithful (2:12-13). John pronounced a blessing on those who obey God (Rev. 22:14). Christ gave his final stamp of approval to John's revelation, identifying himself as the Root and Offspring of David (Rev. 22:16; see Rev. 5:5; Isaiah 11:1), and "the bright morning star" (Rev. 22:16; see Rev. 2:28; 2 Peter 1:19). Then the Holy Spirit extended his final invitation to lost humanity (Rev. 22:17).[24]
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Revelation 22:14 (NKJV)
Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.[25]

Revelation 22:14 (NRSV) Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they will have the right to the tree of life and may enter the city by the gates.[27]
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This concludes my sermon
Appendix / Bibliography |
- Easton, Matthew George. Illustrated Bible Dictionary: And Treasury of Biblical History, Biography, Geography, Doctrine, and Literature. London: T. Nelson and Sons, 1897. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Clarke, Adam. Adam Clarke's Commentary. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1826. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Seiss, Joseph. The Apocalypse: A Series of Special Lectures on the Revelation of Jesus Christ. New York: Charles C. Cook, 1901. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Barnes, Albert. Barnes' Notes on the New Testament. Edited by Robert Frew. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Criswell, W.A., ed. The Believer's Study Bible. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1991. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Keener, Craig S. The IVP Bible Background Commentary – New Testament. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Wiersbe, Warren. Bible Exposition Commentary – Be Victorious (Revelation). Colorado Springs, CO: Victor, 2003. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- THE BIBLE KNOWLEDGE COMMENTARY New Testament Edition An Exposition of the Scriptures by Dallas Seminary Faculty Based on the New International Version by John F. Walvoord Roy B. Zuck The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures by Dallas Seminary Faculty.
- The Defender's Study Bible. Austin, TX: WORDsearch, 2012. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- MacLaren, Alexander. Expositions of Holy Scripture – 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude and Revelation. Publication date 1910: Hodder & Stoughton, London. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- International Standard Version Notes. Paramount, CA: Davidson Press, 1998. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Jamieson, Robert, A.R. Fausset, David Brown. A Commentary: Critical, Experimental, and Practical on the Old and New Testaments. Toledo, OH: Jerome B. Names & Co., 1884. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Barton, Bruce B., Linda Taylor, Neil Wilson, Dave Veerman. Life Application Bible Commentary – Revelation. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 2000. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Life Application Bible Notes see inside Life Application Study Bible. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 1988. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Henry, Matthew. Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Radmacher, Earl D., ed. Nelson's NKJV Study Bible. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1997. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Douglas, J.D. and Philip W. Comfort, ed. New Commentary on the Whole Bible – New Testament: Based on the Classic Commentary of Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1990. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Coogan, Michael D., ed. The New Oxford Annotated Bible: With the Apocryphal and Deuterocanonical Books. Third ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Johnson, B. W. Johnson's Notes on the New Testament. St. Louis, MO: Christian Publishing Company, 1891. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Spence, H. D. M. and Joseph S. Excell, ed. The Pulpit Commentary – Volume 22: Peter-Revelation. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, n.d.. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Ryrie, Charles Caldwell. Ryrie Study Bible. Chicago: Moody Press, 1995. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Vincent, Marvin R. Word Studies in the New Testament. New York: Scribners, 1887. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Robertson, A.M., D.D., LL.D., Litt. D., Archibald Thomas. Word Pictures in the New Testament. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1930. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
- Willmington, Harold L., ed. Willmington's Bible Handbook. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1997. WORDsearch CROSS e-book
[25] The New King James Version. (1982). -Mt 20:18-19(NKJV)-. Nashville: Thomas Nelson |
26 Tyndale House Publishers. (2013). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (Revelation 20:12). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
[27] New Revised Standard Version Bible New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. WORDsearch CROSS e-book. |
28 The Holy Bible: With The Apocrypha New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. WORDsearch CROSS e-book. |
31 The Living Bible: Paraphrased - A Thought-for-Thought Translation Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1971. WORDsearch CROSS e-book. |
32 Today's New International Version Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.
33 Wesley, John. Wesley New Testament WORDsearch CROSS e-book. |
34 Young, Robert, trans. Young's Literal Translation of the Holy Bible Edinburgh: George Adam Young & Co., 1898. WORDsearch CROSS e-book. |
35 Wuest, Kenneth S., trans. The New Testament: An Expanded Translation Grand Rapids, MI: Wlliam B. Eerdmans, 1961. Reprint, Grand Rapids, MI: Wlliam B. Eerdmans, 2002. WORDsearch CROSS e-book. |
36 Zodhiates, Spiros, ed. – The Complete Word Study New Testament Chattanooga, TN: AMG, 1991. WORDsearch CROSS e-book. |
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